保持你的健康, it is important to follow the suggested regimen of visits and care as prescribed by your physician. 某些药物 require routine bloodwork to allow the physician to monitor and change (if necessary) the medications you are receiving. 如果我们的临床工作人员发现你不听话, 你将被要求来办公室参观.
We make every effort to cooperate with your managed care programs and their policies regarding referrals and pre-certification. 一般来说, our practice will not make referrals to specialists if you have not been seen in our office for the problem related to the referral. We will also not make a referral if you have never been seen in our offices, or if you have not been seen in our offices in the last 6 months. 如果你打电话给我们办公室是因为你需要推荐, you will probably (unless it is for an ongoing chronic issue) be asked to come in.
If you are currently on a maintenance medication please contact our office at least 72 hours before your medication runs out so that it can be refilled. Our office policy is to have patients visit on a regualr schedule to allow us to monitor their condition. 某些药物, 比如慢性止痛药, will require a visit ever 2-3 months for monitoring and evaluation. Brentwood Medical will not fill prescription requests if a patient has not been compliant with this policy.
Please check with your insurance prior to requesting certain immunizations to determine if your benefit coverage includes them. You may be required to pay a certain portion at the time of service by your benefit plan. 请提前确认.
It can sometimes take 48-72 hours for your insurance to process the information and send us a decision on the request. Please plan accordingly so you do not run out of your medication.
请注意,有些测试需要事先授权. You may not be able to have your scheduled test due to restrictions in your benefit coverage. Please check with your insurance to determine if you are ale to have certain testing performed.
你的费用在到达时支付. If you do not have your copay, your appointment will be rescheduled.
Requests to have forms filled out and completed that are not presented during an office visit will have a charge associated with them. Please contact the office for additional information if you need any forms completed.